Bring new life to your lawn!
The lawn you depend on to enhance your home’s beauty, gives your children a place to play, creates a healthier environment and needs special attention. Throughout the years established turf can deteriorate from the presence of weak varieties, disease, drought, insect damage, poor soil conditions, or thatch buildup. Renovation can bring new life to your lawn.
Mac’s Landscaping can rejuvenate any home with our combination of award-winning outdoor design/installation/maintenance services. Let us help you create a memorable living experience for your family and friends.
What is renovation?
Renovation replaces deteriorated turf with new, improved, better adapted grasses. By seeding improved varieties into the existing lawn, the strand is improved without the inconvenience and greater cost of re-establishing a new lawn.
What are the steps to a healthier lawn?
- The first step is to eliminate undesirable vegetation. When weeds or objectionable grass varieties exist in the lawn, vegetation control may be applied to begin renovation. The control has no residual soil activity and will not leach into desirable vegetation.
- The second step is to prepare for seeding. When vegetation control is not necessary, or 7 to 10 days following control application, vertical slicing or aerating is necessary to penetrate the thatch and establish a seedbed. This process allows seeds to make direct contact with soil and avoid seeds germinating on top of dead organic matter. Soil pH problems may also be corrected with application of lime or sulfur. Starter fertilizer will be applied to insure nutrient availability to the developing seedlings.
- The third step is the type and quality of seeding used. Improved turf-type varieties will be selected to assure a uniform, healthy, disease-resistant lawn. Only premium quality seed will be used to insure superior results.
- The fourth step is to keep the soil moist. Until seedlings are also well established, they need moisture daily for 2 to 3 weeks. You should understand that your part in the renovation, the daily watering, to maintain moisture at a depth of 2 inches, is vital. The renovation cannot be successful without adequate moisture.
- The fifth step is to watch the grass grow. You will see continued improvement in the lawn for 4 to 5 months following renovation.
To keep turf healthy and to prevent problems from reoccurring, you need a regular, continuous program of fertilization, watering, mowing, and weed and insect control following renovation. Our company can provide those services.
When is the best time to seed or sod a lawn?
Answer: Late summer/early fall (August 15 to October 15)
Why? The ground is usually warmer and moister than in the spring. There is less competition with Crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. You typically have warmer days and cooler nights in the fall. Seed usually germinates on ground temperature between 58 F – 75 F
When in the best time to water a lawn?
Answer: Early morning – 5 AM to 10 AM
Why? Because watering during the day usually evaporates and watering at night causes diseases
How much water do I need for a lawn?
Answer: Usually 1″ of rain a week.
How do I measure 1″ of water?
Answer: Use a Tuna fish can or rain gauge
What happens if I receive 1″ of rain in one rainstorm? Do I need any more water the rest of the week?
Answer: It depends on the drying days. If it is humid, the moisture stays in. If it is a windy day, it could dry out. You have to use common sense, especially on a newly seeded lawn!
Sometimes it seems very complicated and confusing. What do I do?
Answer: Use a lot of common sense. The lawn is like a human being. Treat it like one! It eats, sleeps and drinks.
When do I feed my lawn?
Answer: Recommendation is every 5-6 weeks or hire a Lawn Fertilizer or Maintenance Company to advise you.
Why is SOD so much more expensive than seed?
Answer: The cost of material and labor to install. One roll of SOD which is 18″ x 6′, 9 SQF weighs between 40-60 lbs. each. EXAMPLE: 1000 SQF = 111 rolls x 50 lbs. = 5550 lbs. to be installed by hand, one by one
Why does SOD sometimes die?
Answer: It is because of not enough water. Sod also needs at least 65% sun exposure
Are there different types of SOD?
Answer: Yes and No. Most SOD is made up of Bluegrass and some Fescue. There could be different blends to Bluegrass and Fescue. Other common grasses include a variety of Rye and Bent grasses.
Why do we put lawns in?
Answer: Because it is the least expensive way to cover a square foot area and it looks nice when taken care of properly and it provides oxygen and cleans the air
Ready to find out more? Get started today!
You can call 781-438-8100 or click on Contact US to get your free consultation.